When I want to see what a lens can really do I tend to take the same route and take the same images as with other lenses. For me, this has the advantage of seeing how different lenses react to the same subjects. I know what a good lens can do with the different subjects that I take so I know what to look for. The route is around 8 kilometers long and takes me some three to four hours with all the stopping I do to get some photographs. It's a great walk, gets me some fresh air and I love just working on the images when I get home. This is the time I know if a lens will stay or will be put on the great auction house in the cloud.
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07/03/12 Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N V26615
NEX-5N Focal Length: unknown Aperture: f/1.0 Exposure Time: 1/640 sec ISO: 100 • Skopar • 50 f2.5 • Nex-5N • manual focus • Voigtlaender • Sony
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