Another example of what SFX is capable of. A nice dramatic monochrome conversion, maybe I was a little heavy handed on this one, but that was the look I was after. I've also exagerated the vignetting somewhat to guide the viewers eye to the center of the image. Nicwe little trick that works on most images even if the vignetting is not so pronounced as in this image.
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12/10/12 Nik SFX II2867
E-M5 Focal Length: 100 mm Aperture: f/8.0 Exposure Time: 1/800 sec ISO: 200 • conversion • Nik • SFX II
12/07/12 Nik SFX IITaken with the mZD 75-300 at 171mm and f8. Converted with Nik SFXII, the best converter on the market today. 3123
E-M5 Focal Length: 171 mm Aperture: f/8.0 Exposure Time: 1/800 sec ISO: 200 • Olympus • OM-D • mZD 75 • 300 • Italy • Dolomites • Landscape • Nik • SFX II • software • mountains
10/25/12 Nik SFXIIGoing off topic slightly here, but the image was still taken with the Yashica 55 f2 lens on the OM-D. I just see some images will work in B&W and when I see that I convert these images immediately with Nik SFXII. I don't see these thing all the time but once in a while one image does stand out from the rest, and the image above is one of those. It might be difficult to see at this size but it's all about how the light fally on these withering leaves. This piece of software gives you so much control on how you do the conversion, it's difficult to stop playing around with the settings and just say "OK, that's finished".
For those who haven't tried this software package, I highly recommend that you do. You won't look back once you've tried it. It's addictive. 2293
E-M5 Focal Length: unknown Aperture: f/1.0 Exposure Time: 1/100 sec ISO: 200 • Yashica • 55 f2 • manual focus • flower • OM-D • EM-5 • Nik • SFXII • B&W • monochrome
10/12/12 Nik SFXIIThere are times when you know an image will look better in B&W than in colour. This is such an image. Using Nik SFXII to develop it allows you a lot of leaway in the way the image will look. There's so much control that I sometimes get lost in all of it, but I do get there eventually. I think it's time to create some profiles because every time I start a conversion, it's like starting from scratch again. Getting old I suppose. 2624
E-M5 Focal Length: 63 mm Aperture: f/8.0 Exposure Time: 1/400 sec ISO: 200 • Software • Nik • SFXII • mZD 14-150 • Olympus
09/13/12 SFXIIThis is the converted image. I think it turned out quite well. There is no beating this piece of software from Nik. Lots of possibilities to tweak the image to just how you want it to look. I must see what I can get out of this in Lightroom 4.1 which has improved immensely since the update.
Hope you like this. 2436
E-PL1 Focal Length: 45 mm Aperture: f/1.8 Exposure Time: 1/1250 sec ISO: 200 08/02/12 Sony SEL 50 f1.8 + Nik SFXIIThis was converted using Nik SFXII. Well captured by the SEL 50 f1.8 and that Nik software is hard to beat. Really worth the money. Lots of detail in those leaves and I like the tones produced by SFXII. 2160
NEX-5N Focal Length: 50 mm Aperture: f/1.8 Exposure Time: 1/640 sec ISO: 200 • Sony • Nex-5N • SEL 50 f1.8 • Nik • SFXII.
06/09/12 Snapseed IIIOk, the last one for the moment cooked by Snapseed. Did anyone notice that the last 3 posts were in the square format. Like I said, I use this more and more. Everything fits into place. 2095
DMC-LX5 Focal Length: 7.5 mm Aperture: f/2.8 Exposure Time: 1/500 sec ISO: 80 06/08/12 Snapseed IIAnother one that went through Snapseed. I think they've takena lot of functions from their other products and just put it into Snapseed. I really don't mind because it is small and simple to use.
Also taken with the LX5. It's not the smallest of cameras but it really was worth the money. 2519
DMC-LX5 Focal Length: 5.1 mm Aperture: f/4.0 Exposure Time: 1/400 sec ISO: 200 06/07/12 SnapseedIt may not as a surprise to a lot of you, but I've been a fan os Pasasonic cameras from the start with the LC1. I've had since then the L1 (one of the best cameras ever to be produced IMHO) and followed by the L10, which had the sharpest image of them all. Sadly the market didn't see it that way and both cameras quickly became out of fashion. Panasonic carries some of the blame here for pricing the L1 with the excellent PL 14-50 f2.8-3.5 lens. If you ever get a chance to pick one of these up, do it. The image quality is excellent.
I digress. This post is about a software package called Snapseed by Nik. I've got it for the Windows platmorm but it is available for most platmorms. This image was fed through this piece of software and it is quite versatile. Lots of features and not a lot you can do wrong. Well worth the 15USD I paid for it. I'm beginning to like it a lot. But don't overcook your images.
The reason I started this post ranting on about Panasonic is because this image was taken with the Panasonic LX5 P&S camera. Again one of the best P&S cameras ever made. It really is in a class of it's own. It's so good that Panasonic haven't replaced it as of today but there are roumours of the LX7 coming out shortly. One reason I like it is that I can fit the EVF I use on the GF1 on it. Remember I need one of those. I just can't take pictures with the camera at arms length. 2238
DMC-LX5 Focal Length: 5.1 mm Aperture: f/4.0 Exposure Time: 1/400 sec ISO: 200 06/03/12 Nik SFX2This is a monochrome conversion of the image posted yesterday. Using Nik SFX2 as a Photoshop plug-in, I still think it's the best on the market. I gives you precise control over all aspects of a conversion. I'm quite pleased with this conversion especially looking at the hill contours. Having said that, if you don't get the image correct in camera then your conversion will show that. A good exposure with good detail will go a long way during the monochrome conversion phase. 2465
E-P3 Focal Length: 16 mm Aperture: f/8.0 Exposure Time: 1/125 sec ISO: 200 • SFX2 • Nik • software • B&W • conversion
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