Here's checking how it deals with dark areas. Surprisingly well as you can see. Exposure was very good and again post precessing is very minimal. I just wished I'd have used a smaller aperture than f4. If you look towards the bottom of the image you can see it's getting rather soft or out of focus.
One thing I have noticed, particularly since I've been posting these images from the Fujifilm cameras is that of colour. All these images were processed and posted using a calibrated monitor. Having looked at the images on a couple of non-calibrated monitors brings back home just how important calibrating your monitor is. The colour on the non-calibrated monitos are nothing like what they should be, and misleads the reader on just how good these cameras are at catching the correct colour. Granted, the reader can't compare the images themselves and have to take my word for it.
Just do yourself a favour and get your monitor calibrated, it works wonders for your images.