Dil Roberts Photography


Monthly Archives: OCTOBER 2017

Monday, October 16, 2017

Manual Focus Lenses I Like


For those of us that like using manual focus lenses, I'm sure that we all have our favourites that we always grab on the way out the door. I have a few so I thought I would mention them here. maybe I can get a few tips an what you like, and maybe, just maybe, you can recommend one that I haven't tried and turns out to be a gem.

I believe this manufacturer to be ...


posted by Dil on 10/16/17 19:00  under Lenses

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Monday, October 2, 2017

Lens Envy For The Mirrorless Systems


I'm sure you've all heard the term GAS before. It's very common in photographers who think that the next piece of new kit is going to improve their photography. Of course it doesn't but there's no point preaching to them, because they just want new toys to play with. I'm not sure if Gear Acquisition Syndrome is only symptomatic to photographers, but I'm assuming it isn't.

I know all photographers go through this at some ...


posted by Dil on 10/02/17 19:00  under Lenses

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Monday, October 2, 2017

In Need of Your Advice - UPDATE


Scroll down to bottom for Update.


All these posts believe it or not are firstly written by hand and then typed up on my computer at home. Well, that has to stop!! It just takes up too much of my time. And this is where you all come in.

What I’m looking for.
I’m looking for something small and light that I take with me on my travels. I write these posts in txt or rtf ...


posted by Dil on 10/02/17 12:45  under General

comments (0)  2308


I'm an enthusiastic photographer who likes to tinker with manual lenses on most camera formats.


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